Monday, October 17, 2011

Away With The Fairies

That's me, when I am stuck with 57 pages of hardcore notes that I have to get through by today. FRICK.

Went for an interview today for Melb Uni's host orientation program. Sat around in a circle and answered little questions on a sheet of paper. Mine said: Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person. SORRY ****, I had to use you as my example.

Sheesh I thought I had it down pat. And my nerves got in the way and it pretty much ended like the time when I had to present my findings from a respiratory exam, 3 days IN hospital, after a 1 year hiatus from cough, medicine. FRICK again! But the hubby said I went well, in fact he said I went really well, but he lies to me all the time anyway cause he finds me amazing, tis' said in a non-bitchy way, of course.


Heehee, who ever said it was a competition, right? But my life is about setting goals!! Goals aren't malignant, right? Especially when I'm planking next to yellow-shirt girl in combat class and right at the point when I feel like giving up I get a stare that said, I triumph! OOOH not so fast you little twerp, I was born to fight!


4.12pm and the day is balmy. Oh, HAPPY BEEDAY JP! :) I bought a dress for your wedding, and can't wait to wear it!

YAY tis the season for weddings! Don't ask about mine yet, peeps. You'll know when I know.

Gotta head back to the notes!



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