Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Today I Get to RANT

Hey you smarty pants. Just because you study 24/7 and can vomit paragraphs of text books doesn't make you smart. It just makes you a whimpy pathetic loser who craves for acknowledgement. Want respect? Show some love to your colleagues. I put you in this group (that's right, I did) because I thought you had something special going on but I obviously thought wrong. You think that life's success is measured by how much you get ahead of others? Well good on you! Let's see how far you can get in life with that attitude. So what? Get onto the dean's list, graduate with honours, get the most coveted job, only to come home to an empty home with hyperechoic ceilings? You are revolting, and I am not afraid to say that. Because you tread on my toes, and I can't allow for that.

We share this planet with 9 BILLION HUMANS, and that's just humans. Time to learn how to share, buddy. If everyone behaved like you, we'll just be robots regurgitating desperately crammed on words, pathetically waiting for approval from a higher being when the timebomb is callously ticking away before we all spontaneously combust into DUST.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Love what you do...Never work a day in your life

Studying can be painful..The long hours of gazing at intricate information, staying rooted at the same spot for hours, mind drifting and feeling guilty..but occasionally I get a spark and it resets my booty which makes me feel so alived!

Doing medicine is a blessing. I am still grappling with the fact that I am given the blessed opportunity to learn about this ever involving field of a million domains, to discover and learn revolutionizing breakthroughs and be part of a journey towards a new dimension of mankind.

Gee. Where did that come from??


This year, I picked up some new habits, and hopefully discarded some bad ones.

I've started doing resistance training and I'm loving the new energy and zest it adds to my fitness regime!! Ok maybe the results take time to show, and it could be decelerated a teeeny bit because I stuff my face SO much.

I've called home more, and I feel more at peace with myself for that.


Discovered the joy of eating pancakes, they are SOOO good when well made!!

:) :)

Been naughty last week. I had my first steak!!

:) :) :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ask me no questions...I'll tell you no lies

I hate how much I fear living in the country I was born in, the one where I was raised, the one with all my family members and friends dear to me. I hate how unsafe and crude and primal we have to be, just to walk the streets in broad daylight.

I hate how the entire system in the Malaysian ecosphere is screwed up.

A second cousin of mine, aged 19 passed away last week from a MVA. Apparently, he lost control of his vehicle and grazed a car in front of him, landing in an oxidation pond. COD: drowning. He was extricated 2 hours later.

Joshua, I know we aren't the fondest of relatives, but I am so sorry this has had to happen to you.

His death made me think of a zillion questions. (if you know me well, you know my fav Q is why. I even blurted out WHY???? in front of a consultant rheumatologist one day on ward rounds in relation to a pateint's massive leg ulcer, which made me an instant Z list celebrity, and painted me as the doe eyed fresh out of mama's embrace med student who has seen no pain)

Anyway, that piece of news really bothered me. It made the difference between a planned township and a messed up excuse of a city even starker. What is an oxidation pond doing in the middle of the neighbourhood, anyway? Why is it next to a highway? Why isn't it fenced? Why are police not enforcing the speed limit? Why are the roads so poorly engineered?

I am so, so thankful to be living where I am now. Really wish people back home could tidy up their act before it's too late.

On a brighter note, really enjoying learning in hospital! These days of learning are the best :) Sat in with a wonderful endocrinologist and it really made a difference :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today, I Miss Home

I miss you, mommy, daddy!!!!!!!!!!!

Went for Body Attack this morning. Has been my routine for the past month, so yay to fitter and leaner me!

Stayed at home, made a mean Salmon Linguine with Leek, my hubby wouldn't eat anything else for the rest of the day because he wanted to 'preserve' the taste in his mouth!!! How sweet :)

Bought a pair of sunshine mustard shorts from I.d.s..It is beautiful :)
Thank you dearie.

OD-ed on free macarons at Thomas Dux. HAHA


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ola! This is me from the year before. Say Hi to your 22 year old self!
Top: Armani Exchange
Jacket: Dotti

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Never Again, My Friend

Woo hooooo! I am so pissed at a certain person right now, but no way am I letting myself wallow in that dark cave that I once resided. Shivers. You are chipping away at me slowly. Don't say the things you say, it only makes me confused, and hurt. You never gave me a chance.

Now, you'll just have to deal with me, mister. If you're not happy, you know where the door is!! Teehee. Why bother, when they don't?


Reading your posts made me happy. Today, you made me happy. Thinking of you made me happy. And I miss that feeling. The world needs more of you. I wish I could be like you, so infectious with your personality. How do you do it? I feel so different, like I'm made to be happy because you made me feel that my existence could count for something.

I wish you knew what I feel about you :)
Perhaps it would change matters.

Perhaps not.

Be gone, emo self!!!



Monday, October 17, 2011

Away With The Fairies

That's me, when I am stuck with 57 pages of hardcore notes that I have to get through by today. FRICK.

Went for an interview today for Melb Uni's host orientation program. Sat around in a circle and answered little questions on a sheet of paper. Mine said: Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person. SORRY ****, I had to use you as my example.

Sheesh I thought I had it down pat. And my nerves got in the way and it pretty much ended like the time when I had to present my findings from a respiratory exam, 3 days IN hospital, after a 1 year hiatus from cough, medicine. FRICK again! But the hubby said I went well, in fact he said I went really well, but he lies to me all the time anyway cause he finds me amazing, tis' said in a non-bitchy way, of course.


Heehee, who ever said it was a competition, right? But my life is about setting goals!! Goals aren't malignant, right? Especially when I'm planking next to yellow-shirt girl in combat class and right at the point when I feel like giving up I get a stare that said, I triumph! OOOH not so fast you little twerp, I was born to fight!


4.12pm and the day is balmy. Oh, HAPPY BEEDAY JP! :) I bought a dress for your wedding, and can't wait to wear it!

YAY tis the season for weddings! Don't ask about mine yet, peeps. You'll know when I know.

Gotta head back to the notes!

