Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ask me no questions...I'll tell you no lies

I hate how much I fear living in the country I was born in, the one where I was raised, the one with all my family members and friends dear to me. I hate how unsafe and crude and primal we have to be, just to walk the streets in broad daylight.

I hate how the entire system in the Malaysian ecosphere is screwed up.

A second cousin of mine, aged 19 passed away last week from a MVA. Apparently, he lost control of his vehicle and grazed a car in front of him, landing in an oxidation pond. COD: drowning. He was extricated 2 hours later.

Joshua, I know we aren't the fondest of relatives, but I am so sorry this has had to happen to you.

His death made me think of a zillion questions. (if you know me well, you know my fav Q is why. I even blurted out WHY???? in front of a consultant rheumatologist one day on ward rounds in relation to a pateint's massive leg ulcer, which made me an instant Z list celebrity, and painted me as the doe eyed fresh out of mama's embrace med student who has seen no pain)

Anyway, that piece of news really bothered me. It made the difference between a planned township and a messed up excuse of a city even starker. What is an oxidation pond doing in the middle of the neighbourhood, anyway? Why is it next to a highway? Why isn't it fenced? Why are police not enforcing the speed limit? Why are the roads so poorly engineered?

I am so, so thankful to be living where I am now. Really wish people back home could tidy up their act before it's too late.

On a brighter note, really enjoying learning in hospital! These days of learning are the best :) Sat in with a wonderful endocrinologist and it really made a difference :)

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